Smoking Cigar
The reason to cut a cigar and how to proceed with the cut
Cutting a cigar is a delicate operation that can determine the quality of our smoked.
The cigar cutting, in fact, is indispensable, for the cigars in which the capa, otherwise, would prevent the passage of smoke. For the Tuscans, however, with their typical bitronconical structure, the cut is an operation that allows to better define the times and the expression of the smoke.
Fundamental to accomplish this operation and choose the right tools.
Accessories to cut a cigar
The cut of a cigar can be carried out with different accessories for characteristics, quality and price.
On the market it is possible to find three types of cigar accessories for this operation:
- The guillotine (cutter), the most widespread and versatile tool, available in metal or plastic.
- The scissors, able to cut any format while requiring a higher familiarity of use.
- The Forasigari (puncher), which accurately punctures the head with a diameter for the reduced passage allowing more control over the draught. They cannot be used with the Figurado type cigars.
How to cut Cuban cigars and Havana
Havana cigars, closed- headed and open-footed, (Cubans but not exclusively) require that a portion of the head (find out more about the parts of the cigar) is removed to allow the smoke to be pulled to the mouth.
Chosen the tool that best suits our needs, we can proceed with the cut.
If we choose to use a Forasigari we will proceed by resting it on the head, rotating and penetrating with a slight pressure. When the draught is tested, it can be switched on.
If we are using a guillotine, we should insert a few millimetres of the head between the blades, helping us with the reference lines generally marked on the head of the cigar, applying the cut in line with the second line. We would get a higher draught surface than the one produced with the Forasigari.
The use of scissors, useful, for example, for the Figurado is done trying to find a compromise between the portion of the cigar cut and any tests of draught. By cutting small portions at a time we could better define our experience of draught.
A slight humidification of the head is useful, any instrument is used, to avoid cracks, especially in cigars from the head dry, during the operation of the cut.
The greater our experience and the more we will be able to calibrate the cigar cut according to our draw preferences.
How to cut Tuscan and Italian cigars
From the bitronconical shape and open from both sides, the Italian cigars not possessing a head do not require the cut to allow the passage of the smoke.
The cutting of cigars from the classic Tuscan form can allow us to determine the experience and duration of the smoked.
The Tuscan cigar can be smoked:
- Whole, to the Maremma;
- Ammezzato;
- Using the so-called Golden Cut.
At the Maremma, it means that the cigar will be smoked without making cuts or removing only a portion of a few millimetres at the end destined for the draught to facilitate the draught.
by applying a cut in the centre with a guillotine or scissors.
The less diffused gold cutis a cut made in relation to the Golden section of the cigar. In the Tuscan cigars still in their pack of cellophane it is easy to identify where to make the cut: applying a cut in the tongue will obtain a perfect gold cut. Through this cut you get two portions, one smaller than the other and destined to a short smoked, as if it were a small mezzanine.
The cut is served: ready for the smoke?
Once the cut is finished, just switch to a proper ignition of the cigar.
To taste the best of your smoked we have collected for you 10 tips on how to smoke the cigar and some indications on the structure of cigars, useful for newbies and not only.
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