Habueno News
HWA on the podium thanks to the IoT for the cigar connoisseurs
We are happy to announce that Habueno has won first place at the 2018 Innovation Awards.
A few days now from the official launch, we are pleased to convidivere with all the aficionados the joy for this special commendation.
A recognition that we are proud of and for which we want to thank the Chamber of Commerce of Reggio Calabria.
A special thanks also goes to all those who contribute daily to the Habueno project.
Cigar Hygrometer 4.0: Made in Italy and innovation
The delivery ceremony “Prizes for innovation” 2018 took place in the context of the day of transparency 2018, a moment of confrontation and sharing of the stakeholders, dedicated to transparency and legality for Provision of public resources and services.
To represent our maximum snackteam, CEO and founding partner, HWA, start-up IoT and spin-off DELL’UNIRC, the basis of the entire project for this “cigar hygrometer 4.0” Made in Italy.
“Prizes for Innovation“, promoted by the Chambers of Commerce in various Italian cities, is an appointment now customary and increasingly awaited by emerging companies.
It was born with the aim of encouraging innovative entrepreneurial activities, rewarding companies capable of generating added value leveraging on technologies and digital, especially within the so-called “Enterprise 4.0”.
HWA: The Internet of Things and Human Centered Design
HWA Srl is a start-up committed to the IoT sector, founded in 2014 as a spin-off of the University of Mediterranean Studies in Reggio Calabria. His team consists of teachers, researchers and professionals from the UNIRC Department of Electronic Engineering. Habueno is an ongoing development project, an example of the possible implementations of new technologies even within particularly consolidated and traditional verticals.
Learn how to track cigars anywhere in real time with Habueno