Cigar Preservation Guides
Recover too damp cigars and prevent humidification errors
Too humid cigars are one of the consequences of the poor preservation of cigars.
excesses of humidification of cigars can create both mechanical problems, linked to an uneven combustion, and, if it does not act on time, organoleptic problems, caused by the appearance of fungi and moulds capable of ruining The cigar in a substantial way.
With the right moves, however, it is possible to intervene in time, avoiding that the cigar is affected by the excesses of humidification.
Too humid cigars: preservation precautions
“Prevention is better than cure,” according toa well-known popular adage.
Even in this case, it’s just a Proper preservation of cigars The best way to avoid in the bud problems related to excesses of humidification.
Verifying our conservation environment and constantly monitoring it is the easiest way to avoid unpleasant surprises.
There are now several tools for monitoring thehumidor.
Habueno, for example, allows you to control remotely, directly from your smartphone, and in real time the microclimate chosen for storage.
In addition Habueno informs you, through notifications in real time, possible suspicious variations: perfect, therefore, to avoid that the humidification exceeds the Optimum humidity Levels Making your cigars too moist.
Very often, in fact, the cause of excessive humidification of the cigars resides in an improper use of the humidification systems.
An immediate notification of a rise in humidity could avoid any possible boredom.
prevention reduces much of the problems of excessive humidification, except, clearly, unforeseen situations-a sudden rain, an unexpected gesture-in which the more humid cigars will end up being literally wet and certainly not for Humidification problems.
How to recover cigars too damp
How to act, then, if you come across too humid cigars?
Beyond that the cause is internal or external to the humidor, the problem remains the same and the most effective solutions, in the same way, coincide.
To dry the cigars, except that the cigar is not rotten, is the solution to our problem.
Compared to recovering dry cigars, save from the decline taste and mechanical damp cigars more than necessary is simpler, intervening in time.
If the cigars have undergone excessive humidification:
- Try to remove the Humidification devices: a possible lowering of the relative humidity level will be a good feedback to correct the shot.
- If the humidity remains high, even if the devices have been removed, it leaves the humidor open to make it leak into the environment
If the cigars are wet:
- Leave the cigars to dry in a dry container. The cigars will slowly release their moisture into the environment.
- Want a more efficient alternative? Put cigars in dedicated humidor and monitor the microclimate. The wood of the humidor, better still if in Spanish cedar, will absorb the humidity, porous to the point of being perfect for a controlled dehumidification.
Prevention and effective interventions to safeguard the smoke
acting on excessively damp cigars, due to excess humidification or simply zuppi for external causes, is possible except in extreme conditions. Providing the right tools and preventing any possible inconvenience, however, remains the most effective way to safeguard your investment in cigars. Being able to use monitoring technologies ready to provide us with immediate information and to warn us of unpleasant disadvantages does not leave more room for excuses: prevention, first of all!
Learn how to monitor the humidor from smartphones with Habueno