Cigar Preservation Guides
10 tips for humidating dry cigars
Reviving dry cigars is a delicate operation that requires a lot of patience and attention.
Nevertheless, following the right precautions, it is possible to intervene on the negative effects caused by a lack of attention in the correct preservation of the cigars.
Humidating dry cigars in a controlled manner and following a few simple rules will allow you, in the vast majority of cases, to safeguard the best fragrances and aromas that otherwise, by enduring adverse conditions, should gradually be lost to All the time. Recovering dry cigars for too many years, in fact, does not allow to benefit from substantial organoleptic improvements, but rather to save the Salvabile, recovering – at least! -The mechanical “fumability”.
Recover Dry Cigars: Act on time to prevent the worst
It is not always possible, in any case, to recover dry cigars.
The starting conditions of cigars are a key factor: In some cases, rescue operations may prove unnecessary after prolonged periods of non-humidification.
To act on time and in a correct way, therefore, proves to be of fundamental importance to recover dry cigars without being confronted, in the best case, to Smoke “castrate” by fragrances and aromas. Fragrances and aromas of cigars, in fact, depending on the oils and tobacco leaf and, depending on the nature of the leaf, the oils could evaporate easily if exposed to long periods of dehydration, making it weaker or altering the specific flavors of Cigars.
To avoid running into critical situations, check your humidor frequently, maintain optimum relative humidity, and rotate the arrangement of your cigars periodically.
In the most critical cases – I hope these tips will help you avoid them – interventions to recover dry cigars may not be enough and it may be impossible even to properly turn on cigars, now too compromised, or cut a Cuban cigar without breaking it, now fragile and worn.
Recover dry Cigars in 10 simple moves
So let’s see how to intervene on dry cigars appropriately.
- Equip yourself with a lot of patience and the right equipment! A good humidor and the right mental disposition to not be in a hurry will definitely go in your favor.
- Handle the cigars carefully! They are dry and can be broken easily.
- Controls the presence of splits in the capa. If you come across breaks, try to recover, if possible, the longest cigar portion
- Prepares an empty humidor dedicated to this rescue maneuver. Stabilizes the relative humidity (UR) at 50/55% or less in the event that the cigars are too dry: your excessive changes may worsen things, causing cracks in the capa.
- At stabilized humidor, insert the cigars, whenever possible, without removing the cellophane that wraps them
- Keep the starting relative humidity for about one month and check the head’s friability periodically.
- Gradually increases your level. Rely on the touch and your cigar hygrometer to better define the graduality with which to proceed without incurring cracks.
- Rely on the touch but be careful not to be fooled. After a short period of rewetting, as the cigars absorb moisture from the outside to the inside, the head may appear elastic and moist while the Tripa may not yet be properly humidified.
- Leave the cigars for a few months in the humidor and monitor him. It pays attention to abnormal variations, however, avoiding to open the humidor repeatedly in order not to generate frequent and excessive excursions of humidity.
- Time has passed and you think the process has gone well and the cigars have reached the optimum humidification level? It’s time to test the procedure: Smoke your rehumidified cigar!
One last trick to humize dry cigars correctly: avoid repeated openings of the humidor!
Try to limit the chances to when you control the state of the cigars to the touch.
Habueno can only prove to be a perfect ally to recover dry cigars.
Habueno, based on Senseame technology, is the evolution of your cigar hygrometer and allows you to remotely monitor humidity and temperature in the humidor – so, more than a cigar hygrometer, a real thermo-hygrometer – directly from your smartphone or tablet, without, therefore, the Need to open the humidor, sending you, moreover, warning notifications in the case of unexpected relative humidity hikes that would compromise your interventions in order to dampened dry cigars in a correct way. Not to mention that Habueno can also provide you with a history of temperature and humidity variations that could be very useful to assess the effectiveness of your rehumidifier strategy.
Learn how to monitor the humidor from smartphones with Habueno