Cigar Preservation Guides
Optimum relative humidity rates in the humidor
The ideal humidity rate for cigars is about 12%-15% of their weight.
The relative humidity in the humidor is one of the main factors affecting the correct preservation of cigars. Maintaining moisture in the humidor at optimum levels is essential, therefore, to obtain this condition and to preserve its aromas and to guarantee a uniform combustion of the cigar.
Knowing the humidity effects of the cigars too high or too low allows you to avoid unpleasant surprises during the smoke and helps the most demanding enthusiasts to act on fragrances and aromas of cigars to get specific modifications to the taste of the cigar .
increasing and limiting the humidity of cigars in the humidor can therefore become a real art capable of giving more articulate tasting experiences.
In any case, the main objective of monitoring the humidity levels of cigars in the humidor is to avoid the unpleasant consequences of bad preservation of cigars, fundamental preventive activities to anticipate in time and remedy the Be born to compromises of their future smoked.
Optimum relative humidity to store cigars
The optimum relative humidity rate in the humidor should be 68-74%.
In an environment so humidified and placed at the optimum temperature, the cigar can absorb, therefore, the ideal humidity rate, from 12% to 15% of its weight.
By dropping this figure more in particular, because of the differences between the different families of cigars, according to the most experienced smokers, to obtain the best from each specimen, the relative humidity values should be calibrated according to the humidity range of the cigars Type-specific.
Ideal humidity percentage for cigar types
Optimum humidity for Cuban cigars
Keephumidity from 60% to 75%. Higher or lower values would make Cubans, respectively, too humidified or too dry.
Optimum humidity for extra Cuban cigars
For the Extracubans (Nicaraguan or Dominicans) you should opt for a slightly higher range. Fans of this type generally prefer relative humidity values from 65% to 80%.
Optimum humidity for Tuscan cigars
Arelative humidity of 65% is recommended by Tuscan experts. This humidity level of the cigars is the same used during the curing phase in the manufacturing process.
The tendency to preserve tuscans in uncontrolled environments, also widespread among retailers, often means that cigars need more initial humidity.
More generally, a relative humidity range indicative for Tuscan cigars could go from 55% to 70%.
The right relative humidity for cigars is… relative!
Lastly, a last warning is added to these general indications: experiment, Taste and choose the optimum temperature and humidity combinations for your palate, cigar for cigar.
Every smoker, over time, acquires preferences for smoked by the specific characteristics.
The careful monitoring of humidity and temperature in the humidor, keeping track of its humidification strategy and its effects on the cigars over time, can be revealed, therefore, very useful for the purposes of recreate specific conditions and perfecting your own experience tasting from time to time, depending on the style of smoked more suitable for your palate.
Learn how to monitor the humidor from smartphones with Habueno
Do not forget, moreover, taste apart, not to exaggerate with moisture levels!
moisture over 80% could make your cigars rot.