Cigar Preservation Guides
Cigar Preservation Temperature: the importance of monitoring
An optimum temperature, together with ideal humidity levels, guarantees the correct preservation of cigars, therefore, an exhaustive and authentic tasting experience.
Optimum storage Temperatures are included in a range of between 18 and 21 °c.
Failure to adjust to optimum temperatures or sudden jumps can set in motion mechanisms capable of causing the irreparable deterioration of cigarsif it does not act in time restoring the optimum temperature.
careful monitoring through classical thermo-hygrometers or with more efficient monitoring systems of temperature and humidity remotely as Habueno, is therefore essential.
Who has long shared the passion for the slow smoke, making it more than just a chance of occasional, includes well as the monitoring of simple variables, can not be taken with excessive lightness, if the purpose is to enjoy full of the pleasure of a good cigar and of its aromatic complexity.
Therefore, it is good to know the consequences of inadequate thermal monitoring of humidor, also useful retrospectively as indices of the possible aspects to be corrected in the future humidification processes.
Consequences of inadequate temperatures
temperatures are too low and sudden temperature drops: Low temperatures alter the natural evolution of cigar aromas in the humidor. In addition, temperature changes downward, would transform moisture into condensation, wetting the cigars.
too high temperatures and sudden rises in temperature: even less desirable, high temperatures, especially exceeded at 24 ° C, can create the ideal environment for parasites and progressive deterioration. Sudden increases in temperature in the humidor, moreover, can act directly on the relative humidity level present, increasing it and obtaining, consequently, too humid cigars.
Why monitor temperature is important
avoiding temperature fluctuations is often the main aspect to be considered in maintaining an optimum temperature for the preservation of cigars.
The aid of tools able to notify sudden variations, like Habueno, allows to intervene quickly in order to avoid unwanted consequences for their cigars, restoring an optimum temperature for the preservation.
temperature and humidity in the humidor are necessarily correlated when designing a healthy microclimate and ideal for storing cigars.
Given the types of tobacco, their specifications in terms of absorption capacity and speed and absolute humidity in the humidor, the optimum storage temperature will be variable and affect proportionally to the relative humidity inside.
The optimum temperature of the cigar preservation is therefore a significant factor in order to enjoy perfectly humidified cigars, according to their specific characteristics.
Learn how to monitor the humidor from smartphones with Habueno