Cigar Preservation Guides
How to store cigars in the humidor: DIY storage, monitoring and humidification
The baptism of the fire of anyone who is caught by an authentic passion in smoking the cigar is surely the inexorable emergence of the need to store them and keep them in the right way.
If the smoke harms the health, better to taste its smoked by real aficionados and unless you buy, a box of cigars, a fresh cigar or an aged cigar evolutionarily ready directly in a specialized room, the Preservation becomes an undisputed need. The true amateurs of cigars can have several stocks of cigars, in dynamic humidor, static or perhaps in their humidor from a small hermetic container-, and, above all, they know how these stocks should be kept. The preservation of cigars, of course, is a necessity that can arise from various reasons and which can lead to different needs.
An enthusiast will surely want to treat a personal escort of cigars kept under control, other times will want to buy a particular edition of a cigar, maybe regional editions specific to a place or Limited Editions of an event, and keep it for Special occasions or collectibles and other times it will need to evolve with theageing fragrances and aromas of tobacco, perhaps of the best Cuban cigars.
Of course, we talk about regional editions, limited editions or specimens always on the market, or that you aspire to an aged cigar or a stock of high quality, whether it is Cuban cigars or Tuscan cigars, the best cigars deserve a space inside of the humidor.
The warm aroma of a perfect smoke, whatever the need for storage, requires, in any case, careful care of the cigars. Knowing the right precautions for a perfect preservation becomes, therefore, essential to guarantee an authentic tasting experience once you have access to the chosen specimen for our smoked.
Humidification of Cigars
The fundamental aspect for an excellent maintenance of its cigars is a careful management of the humidification, together with the maintaining of an optimum temperature, through suitable containers and suitable humidification and monitoring systems.
The place for storing cigars is named after humidor.
A humidor is a container, sometimes a room, ready to maintain a constant humidity, kept under control, at a certain optimum temperature. Cigar humidors can be dynamic or static humidor .
The most widespread humidor among the fans of the slow smoke are the humidor in high quality wood, able to contain from the 20 and 70 cigars and generally made of Spanish cedar wood.
In addition to the humidor in cedar there are also other storage solutions, geared to more specific needs:
- Walk-in: real rooms used in shops or cigar bars of high quality, generally rich in the series of excellent Cuban cigars that must be kept at best
- Cabinet: Used to contain the storage of large quantities of cigars (from 1000 to 5000)
- Travel: Generally an airtight container, useful to carry and keep with it always a quantity of cigars limited for a short period but kept under control in the humidity rates, not to give up a good fresh cigar and ready to smoked even when you are away from the pro Prio humidor
The humidor in Spanish cedar
Thehumidor in Spanish cedar wood, with its special features and timeless charm, is the most popular storage solution for cigar-smoking enthusiasts.
Spanish cedar Wood possesses the ideal characteristics for the proper preservation of cigars:
- Feels a higher amount of moisture than other types of wood
- It generally does not undergo particular structural alterations due to high levels of humidity
- It releases its aromas to the cigars in the same way as the cedar sheets in which are often wrapped the cigars on the market
- Protects the leaves that make up cigars from tobacco pests
A humidor requires maintenance and an initial start-up, usually operated on empty humidor.
What we need to start the humidor will be simple distilled water.
The most used method of preparation is to store inside the humidor a small receptacle with distilled water for a few days (one to three). distilled water is chosen to prevent bacteria from being able to alter cigars afterwards. Good practice to make the process faster is to pass a cloth moistened with distilled water on the walls of the humidor.
Distilled water can be substituted withdemineralized water, provided it is not perfumed in any way. The high costs of distilled water can be evaded, without altering the preservation.
Ready the humidor becomes essential to know the Optimum Humidity Rates and Ideal temperature For the preservation of cigars.
The Humidification Systems
Once you have chosen levels of humidity and temperature, we can guarantee a constant humidity rate through various humidification systems.
On the market there are various systems such as, for example, sponge, polymer crystals and beads.
Each of these systems has specific characteristics. The choice of the enthusiast can only be guided by its real and specific needs of humidification.
Monitoring the humidor for effective cigar preservation
Proper preservation of cigars cannot be a constant monitoring of temperature and humidity levels. In this regard, the humidor and humidification devices have always been more refined.
The control of relative humidity is the parameter to which you have obviously paid more attention since the first more structured attempts to keep the cigars.
The evolution of technology allows today the use of valid high quality instruments, from analogue hair hygrometers to the latest digital hygrometers, sometimes able to provide information on temperature (thermo-hygrometers), finally arriving at Habueno, Real Cigar Storage Assistant, capable of monitoring cigars ‘ temperature and humidity in real time and providing information directly on the smartphone, even sending notifications of any suspicious changes.
This latter feature is perfect to ward off the consequences of an incorrect cigar storagein the short term. Habueno also allows slow smoking enthusiasts to refine their techniques, providing a history of variations in the humidor and thus allowing an easier evaluation of the Humidification strategies adopted.
Compared to traditional analog and digital hygrometers, Habueno has a lower error range and is easily calibrated allowing both slow smoke enthusiasts and those who have recently started smoking cigars, precise monitoring and Customizable.
Learn how to monitor the humidor from smartphones with Habueno